Monday, June 18, 2007

Morning raga

Listening to Nikhil Banerjee this morning, I got to thinking about India, that extraordinary country made up of hundreds of thousands of villages,a billion people,literally hundreds of dialects, and many many faiths. Listening to a Christian missionary talk about converts in India, made me think of what my dad always said"people are happy as they are, doesn't God love people as they are?" That would effectively end mission work. Now people like Maryknoll, the New Friar Movement and some others, really live the Gospel, in Gospel poverty as a WITNESS. Unlike the "electronic soul molesters"{ to quote brother will Campbell}they seem willing to learn as well as teach.Where Im going is here: so much of what is said and done in the Lords name is horrible,a soul disturbing confidence scam, a game of three-card-monte, a shell game playing with peoples emotions[and most importantly, their purse strings} I would think that maybe, just maybe, we as a people, should mind our own business, and thank God Almigthty for people like Ole anthony and the folks at Trinity foundation,who expose these venal theives....
an a less esoteric note, My Mets seem to be taking on water.and Fast. Time for wille Randoplh to show that he can actually, uhm, manage. Managing that Mets team last year was not exactly difficult.Losing 12 out of 14 is not the mark of a good team, and , eventually the manager has to actually DO SOMETHING.

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