Wednesday, June 13, 2007


A t-shirt arrived in the mail recently, bearing the legend"Who would Jesus Bomb?" Certainly provovative,still it is instructive. So many professed Christians seriously support violence that the question is NOT a non-sequitur. Jesus is not a republican.Jesus is not a democrat,either.It is difficult to imagine a scenario where the Lord God Almighty would be pleased with the relentless bombing of women and children in His name.I've been informed that this is naive`. I don't believe that Jesus' message was to be easy.nor something to be contained in a neat box,to be opened ,like a fire extinguisher,only in emergency.What would Jesus do,indeed...
some influences:The Gospels,my bride Annie and kinder,the films of Andrei Tarkovsky,Rublev's icon,Abbe` Pierre,William Blake,Gerard Manley Hopkins,Bach,Martin Luther King,Jr.,William Byrd,the late Father Joesph Buckley,humble parish priest and saint,Dorothy Day,the novels of Dosteyevsky,Duke Ellington,Dylan,the paintings of Nolde, Edward Hopper, Van Gogh,Kandinsky,and William Congdon,Marion Williams,living what she sang like no other,the astonishing music of David Eugene Edwards, of the lamented 16 Horsepower and Woven Hand,Sr. Flora Miranelli, long time spiritual advisor,George Bernanos novels,Flannery O'Connor,Rev. Gardner Taylor,the epitome of what a Pastor should be,the finest preacher I have ever heard, or for that matter, am likely to hear,Desmond Tutu,a man whom I always wanted to have dinner with after Mass,Rev Daniel BerriganS.J.,poet,prophet,kind ,good great man, my hero,Henri Nouwen,the late great Father Alexander Men,the shining example of a priest,Sam Cooke and the soul stirrers,teachers of the handicapped everywher,Catholic workers one and all...

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