Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Now, i am what is termed a "marginal' Christian. I believe in Jesus, and not a whole lot of the historical ecretion that has taken hold for 2000 years. I do still go to church on occasion,and my children are /catholic/christian. Upon reading a theologian who I admire , Stanley Hauerwas, I was suddenly struck at the utter bullshit that is theology. Not scripture study,theology. It is almost akin to astrology. To take something that was uttered 2 millenia ago and extropolate that into dogma and rules is absurd. To fight and disect where only certain people can comprehend is so far from the message of Jesus that I shake my head. And Laugh at the cosmic joke. Theology is Jean Vanier and Larch`e, theology is The Catholic Worker houses,theology is every person who bends over to help instead of harm by apathy,to work to create that community, that beloved community,which is our charge. The rest, as another said, is commentary.

Sunday, December 9, 2007


Karlheinz Stockhausen, musical visionary creator of great music and utter bullshit, has died. His electronic music was brilliant, new, life affiming stuff. Later, he assumed the mantle of the prophet sage, selling his own music and work amid his hexagon shaped house, surrounded by acolytes. His final opera saga if you will, LICHT runs somewhere between 29 and 31 hours, a feat of endurance that would dwarf even Wagnerians. Still, at his best, his music was beautiful and strange and wonderful. His pronouncements[and I do not mean his allged WTT comments} were self indulgent bordering on preposterous, though, his childhood would have scarred anyone. So rest in peace, Brother , and thank you for the Licht you brought to all.